Sunday, November 30, 2008

what is the science of the relationships between the sciences? Where different areas of science reinforce each other and even come together to ask new questions? Is it a process and what is that process?
you know when you have to dumb things down to someone who isn't really close to you for the sake of time and then have to go back later and say something like "oh well actually I kinda lied...." and continue on with an in depth explanation? Or when you're high school teachers say "well they kinda lied to you back then...blah blah"

It's the same thing the media does for rich people. whether those rich people are in government or own businesses. The media dumbs down their in depth conversations to things "common people" can understand, but it ends up being a bunch of half truths that take too much time to explain or some people just don't want explained.


I think an important factor many people leave out when contemplating decisions and ways of doing things is time. It is easily forgotten and everyone's perception of it can be different. If Einstein is right, it's all relative, so why don't we start relating more things to time? or looking at things in terms of time?

Perfect Laws

Every so often I hear people say something along the lines of "the only way to have laws work is if they were all perfect." I think there is some truth to this. It tells me that laws are a shitty solution to solve a small category of social problems.

India's 9/11. Progress in the war on people.

The attacks on Mumbai are being described as "India's 9/11."

This is an interesting an interesting comparison so let's make it.

What purpose do these locations serve?

Both of these attacks were carried out in major world business and tourist centers. Neither target was a public building, both were privately owned businesses.

Were these noobs?

I think it is important to note that the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 attacks were extremely well planned and executed.

Without getting into details, there was an extremely large amount funding for the 9/11 attacks and there are intelligence reports of those attacks having been in planning for years before they were carried out.

The Mumbai attacks were carried out simultaneously in several locations, within minutes of each other and lasted almost 60 hours in one of the largest tourist and business centers of the world. And as Russia Today put it:

"The operation has the fingerprints of a paramilitary-intelligence operation. According to a Russian counter terrorist expert, the Mumbai terrorists "used the same tactics that Chechen field militants employed in the Northern Caucasus attacks where entire towns were terrorized, with homes and hospitals seized."

Who was behind the attacks?

A group called "the Deccan Mujahideen." The word Deccan refers to the Deccan Plateau, a region of central-Southern India.

Police reports confirm that nine "suspected attackers" have been arrested and three of the attackers have, according to unconfirmed police sources, confessed to belonging to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistani Kasmiri separatist organization.

This relatively unknown group has been, without evidence other than they went into a building and killed people, has been widely reported as being a part of the Al Qaeda network of terrorist organizations.

Western media outlets are reporting of Pakistan's alleged support of Islamic terrorist organizations, as the Washington Post reports "The US media has centered its attention on the links between the Mumbai attacks and the "resurgent terrorist groups [which] enjoy havens in Pakistan's tribal areas as well as alleged protection or support from elements of Pakistani intelligence."

These are the same people who were behind the 9/11 attacks.

Media disinformation on the origin of the attacks. As was the case in 9/11, the source of the attacks are apparently wide and far, with headlines such as:

'Mumbai massacre killers are British'

'All Mumbai attackers from Pakistan - Indian minister'

And usage of the phrase "elements from within Pakistan"

After 9/11 the origins of those who carried out the attacks were reported as coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

The reporting of such a wide range of origins of those who carried out the attacks serves a number of interests. In my opinion it serves those interests as a feeding ground for irrelevant information for the population to bicker over. It also keeps people scared and perpetuates the boogie man feeling. THE TERRORIST IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!

It is important to note here that the papers themselves are not necessarily creating this disinformation, they could very well be at some level, but they are complicit in the reporting of such disinformation that is used by others to confuse and distract the population for their own ends.

Official US statements in the media have described the Mumbai attacks as part of the broader Islamic terror agenda, including the possibility of an Al Qaeda sponsored terrorist attack on US soil. This was the explanation for 9/11, has been the line that has been towed by the US government for decades on the subject of terrorist events. You could almost make it a stamp "Official US statements in the media have described the *BLANK* attacks as part of the broader *BLANK* agenda, including the possibility of an *BLANK* sponsored terrorist attack on US soil."

Vice President Elect Joe Biden during the election campaign had warned America with foresight that "the people who... attacked us on 9/11, -- they've regrouped in the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan and are plotting new attacks".

While these statements may have some semblance of truth, in that there are in fact people who are muslim and that there are muslims who own guns, they undoubtedly create an environment of uncertainty and fear in populations around the world. A couple questions I have are what opportunities arise out of a climate of fear and uncertainty, who is looking to use those opportunities to advance their personal interests, and what are those interests?

Once again the media gets the Epic Fail award for not reporting Pakistan's ISI as being in close company of the CIA.

These attacks will be used to continue to take away peoples rights and remove access to the shared resources of the earth that are required for life. Every imperialist country around the world has pledged to ramp up their "counter-terrorism efforts."

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Corporations exist to make money. They are required by law to place the financial interests of their owners over competing interests. It is required to place profit over everything else, including the public good. This was a judicial decision. Not a law of nature.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Coercion (co-er-shion) is the practice of compelling a person or manipulating them to behave in an involuntary way (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force.

business uses government through monetary agreements, to use physical force against a small part of the population and psychological force against the against every part of the population who does not partake in the debt wage slave economy.

a group of people with similar world views has physically manipulated the Earth to create a set of circumstances that coerce people into a limited set of choices to do things that they would otherwise not do voluntarily.

and if this system or set of imposed circumstances, is coercive, who is doing the coercing and for what reason? and further by what means are they accomplishing it?

and if freedom is the opposite of coercion can anyone be free if coercion is socially acceptable?